Tuesday 1 September 2009

First Five Times - Stars (2004)

Today marks a milestone here at The Oxford Princeton Programme, Inc. It is the fifth anniversary of a management buyout completed by the company's President and CEO, Clara Lippert Glenn, making what was once FAME Education - comprised of The College of Petroleum and Energy Studies and Princeton Energy Programme, a privately-held (incorporated) entity.

The Oxford Princeton Programme had already been formed in July 2000 by the merging of The College of Petroleum and Energy Studies out of Oxford, UK and Princeton Energy Programme out of Princeton, NJ.

Since 2004, The Programme has grown and with offices today in North America, Europe, and Asia, not to mention course offerings on six continents, it is widely regarded as the world's leading provider of commercial education and training solutions to the energy industry.

Yes, we'll have some cake to commemorate the day and we look forward to offering our clients and customers even more unsurpassed training options in the next 5 x 5 years and beyond.

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