With many airlines moving in the direction of fuel efficient planes how will it affect aviation fuels trading? How will you refine your trading tactics to ensure continued success?
In order to respond to this and any future shifts in the aviation fuels market it is important to fully understand the industry. If you are active in the aviation fuels market or wish to enter it I encourage proper training.
Introduction to the Aviation Fuels Market (IAFM)
This two hour web-based training course provides an overview of the aviation fuels market, covering quality, supply, demand and trading.
You’ll learn the basics of producing aviation fuels in the refinery. We’ll review the different types and quality of jet fuel and aviation gasoline. We’ll also cover the key factors affecting supply, demand and trade flows. You’ll understand how aviation fuels are traded and priced, and how they are distributed to airports.
Finally this course will provide an overview of the outlook for the aviation fuels market. For more information and a complete course outline CLICK HERE.
Quote of the week-
“Technology does not drive change -- it enables change.” - Unknown
Quote of the week-
“Technology does not drive change -- it enables change.” - Unknown
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