Monday, 28 September 2009

Take A Look Around - Temptations (1972)

This week you might have already noticed something new and different about our website. Yes, we've upgraded our landing page to be more user-friendly.

How so, you ask? Allow me to count the ways:

1) Bigger, more readable fonts

2) Course Schedules by region (The Americas, EMEA, Asia/Pacific)

3) Instant translation available via Google Translate (in as many as 34 languages)

4) Enery Education Prescriptions - free confidential consultations on available training programmes

5) Links to not only our blog and e-newsletters but The Energy Education Network on Facebook, Our LinkedIn page, and our tweets on Twitter.

The new site is still in it's Beta stage but your questions and comments are welcomed.

Do take a gander (look around) and see how signing up for wrold-class energy education and training is easier thatn ever:

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