Friday, 17 July 2009

Word in Spanish - Elton John (1988)

Whilst English is indeed the lingua franca of the energy industry, a good bit of business is conducted in other languages.

The Oxford Princeton Programme wants to ensure training is accessible to professionals worldwide. With that in mind, we are pleased to present our very first web-based training course in Spanish.

Introducción a la Industria del Petróleo (English version of course is available: Introduction to the Oil Industry) can be acccessed on

Below are course summaries in Spanish and English.

We do hope to bring more courses in Spanish as well as in other languages. We would like to hear from you on which topics and languges we should be considering next.

En este curso introductorio, aprenderás que es el petróleo y donde se encuentra, como es extraído, y luego como es convertido en productos con los que estamos familiarizados, tal como la gasolina, antes que sea enviado a los centros de distribución donde se le facilita a los consumidores finales el acceso a dicho producto. También veremos cómo es la estructura organizativa de la Industria. Al completar el curso, tendrás una visión global del petróleo desde su inicio en el subsuelo hasta la estación de servicio donde nos surtimos de gasolina. No hay pre-requisitos para tomar este curso y tampoco es necesario de conocimiento alguno del tema. Asi mismo, tampoco se requiere una previa preparación para este curso.

In this introductory course, you will learn what oil is and where it is found, how it is extracted, and then turned into the petroleum products we're familiar with, like gasoline, before it is shipped to distribution channels where end users tap into them. We'll even take a look at how the industry is organized. By the time this course is finished, you will have a general understanding of oil from underground to the gasoline pump. There are no pre-requisites for this course and no prior knowledge on the subject is required. There is also no advanced preparation required for this course.

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