Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Marching On - The Alarm (1983)

March brings a change in seasons as we cross over an equinox (more light and warmth in the Northern Hemisphere but you wouldn't have thought so on the U.S Eastern Seaboard with yesterday's snow event). It also heralds an airer attitude now that the first quarter will soon wind down and businesses can stretch their legs. Markets remain volatile (yesterday surely proved so with the DJIA dropping to a 12-year low) and malaise still thickens the commercial landscape.

Things will get worse before they get better we're told but you are reading from an eternal optimist. I do see signs of life both in my garden (the croci have sprouted) and here at work (the CROCI* may be improving as well). Registrations are pouring in for our spring courses. Despite the recession, clients are realizing that corporate training must still go on and does remain the best investment for when we all come out on the other end.

The Oxford Princeton Programme has a lot of good news to share this time of year including the launch of our newest web-based course on European Gas: Security of Supply (Understanding the Russia-Ukraine Gas Conflict) followed by Overview of the Ethanol Market in April. Our worldwide instructor-led course schedule for March onward is full and far-reaching and includes new courses including the course series on Energy Derivatives Pricing, Hedging and Risk Management debuting in Calgary and Houston. All our latest news items can be found on our home page.

Good news begets good news and I do hope you have it coming your way.

* CROCI - Cash Return on Capital Invested

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